About CRSI

Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan is an independent body that advocates greater use of mediation and other forms of appropriate dispute resolution within Saskatchewan. Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan also educates its membership, practitioners, the public, government, and community organizations about mediation.

The Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan Directory is now on line and provides easy access to mediation practitioners engaged in practice throughout Saskatchewan. Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan and its Board works with many local, regional and national organizations engaged in the resolving and managing conflict.


Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan Bylaws

The History of Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan Inc.


Become a Member

Board Members

Dan McGill


Dan McGill

Dan McGill has been on the board of Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan Inc. since 2013. His involvement in conflict resolution has included mediation and training although his work has focused primarily on learning and applying the principles and practices of conflict resolution in a range of roles working for the government of Saskatchewan. Dan worked for many years as a conservation officer and then as policy analyst, diversity consultant and manager. Dan’s current responsibilities involve consulting with a range of Indigenous communities on various projects, while also facilitating natural resource compliance and enforcement programs. Dan and his wife Mary have been married for 41 years and a good deal of their time is spent enjoying activities with their three children and seven grandchildren. Dan is committed to making positive differences where there are opportunities and believes being a practitioner of conflict resolution principles provides a great deal of such opportunities.


Tracy Ford


Tracy Ford

Tracy has long been interested in mediation and joining the board in 2013 fit into her philosophy of promoting peaceful pathways to resolution. She has worked in the Dispute Resolution Office since 2005 with her primary focus being family mediation. In her spare time, she enjoys time with friends, family and the occasional good book. Her two sons and daughter keep her conflict resolution skills well honed.


Tim Nickel


Tim Nickel

Tim Nickel has been involved in the board of Conflict Resolution in one way or another since 2009. He has
practiced as a mediator, trainer, and consultant in Saskatchewan since 1997, first with Saskatoon Community Mediation Services, then with the Dispute Resolution Office of Saskatchewan Justice, and finally in private practice. Tim has served on the executive of boards of directors of Community Based Organizations throughout his career, focusing on refugee settlement, scouting and youth, and social services. He rounds out his time in Saskatoon
gardening, playing ultimate disc sports, canoeing and camping on the Churchill River with his wife Sherry, and attempting to keep up with his two teenage sons’ extreme tastes in activity. Tim believes strongly in the necessity of a culture and civilization that approaches conflict constructively and wisely such that people with widely different views and identities can advance and grow together.


Garry Hamblin

Board Member

Garry Hamblin

As a Canadian Insurance Professional (CIP), Garry worked for 27 years at Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI). Over the course of his career, Garry was involved in hundreds of mediations and appeals within the SGI no-fault system, helping people to access benefit entitlements and understand legislation and policy surrounding their unique situations. He continues this work through his company, Montague Mediations. Gary is a past President of the Canadian Office and Professionals Union 397 and is a board member of Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan. He has recently received his Certificate in Adjudication for Administrative Agencies, Boards and Tribunals from the
Osgoode Hall Law School of York University. Garry was appointed the WCB Worker Representative in 2015
specializing in SGI, family and workplace issue mediations.


Reiny Ortega Cubas

Board Member

Reiny Ortega Cubas

Reiny is a Qualified Mediator, Parent Coordinator, and Arbitrator. She is a civil law lawyer and encountered mediation and restorative justice while working in the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution for the Supreme Tribunal of Mexico City. Reiny holds a Master’s in Conflict Resolution for the University of Barcelona, Spain, and acquired training from Mark Umbreit and Eddie Mendoza in restorative justice. Her passion for Non-Violent Communication motivated her to create a manual of peace for elementary schools and a workshop for women affected by violence.


Heather Peters

Board Member

Heather Peters

Heather serves as the Peacebuilding Coordinator for Mennonite Central Committee Saskatchewan. Within this role she focuses on trauma education, restorative justice capacity building, and promoting reconciliation opportunities with local partner organizations. She coordinates conflict transformation classes and works to engage youth and young adults in peacebuilding. Heather has been a community educator around the globe for 15 years providing trainings in South Korea, South Sudan, Lebanon, the UAE, Afghanistan, the United States and throughout Canada. She leads workshops in high schools, universities, churches, prisons, and offices. Heather is a STAR trainer (Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience) and teaches in the areas of restorative justice, conflict resolution, and trauma-informed practices.

When not working, Heather is engaging in imaginative play with her daughter, taste testing her partner’s baking, and managing a micro-bakery in Saskatoon. Heather’s education has come in the form of a MA in Human Security and Peacebuilding, a BA in International Development, a Bachelor of Theology, and many life lessons from living around the world and seeking good and interesting relationships from the people that come into her life.


Marg Romanow

Board Member

Marg Romanow

Marg is a Qualified Mediator and Qualified Arbitrator. As a Qualified Mediator, she has met the requirements to be on the Minister of Justice’s List of Qualified Mediators for the province of Saskatchewan.

Marg has participated on numerous Boards and Committees. She is a life-long learner and has completed the Institute of Corporate Directors program achieving the ICD.D Board of Director designation and recently completed a Strategic Planning program through the ICD.

Marg has worked on a number of Boards; is the Founding Chair of the Healthcare Pension Board in Sask (SHEPP) and currently continues to serve on that Board. She has served on the Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute (CPBI)  Board, Canadian Board of the International Foundation of Employee Benefits (IF) , the Saskatchewan WCB Board, and the Canadian Blood Services Pension Board. Currently Marg serves on the Regina United Way and Regina Huston Heights Boards.

As a long term member of both the CPBI and the IF, she has taken numerous courses on board governance, investments and board responsibilities. She has the IF designations of Certified Employee Benefits Specialist, and Masters in Board Trustee Management.

As a member of the Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan Board, Marg wishes to assist with activities and initiatives to reduce conflict.


Robert Stocks

Board Member

Robert Stocks

Robert Stocks has been practicing mediation for 25 plus years and travels throughout the province. His areas of practice include: farmer/debtor creditor and family disputes.  Robert is self-employed and has been a board member with Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan since May of 2021.  He has been interested in conflict resolution and adult education for several years. He enjoys collecting, antique restoration and genealogy and reads a modest amount.


Breda O’Reilly

Ex-Officio Member

Breda O’Reilly

Breda worked in the financial sector in Ireland during the height of the 2008 global recession. In 2014 she emigrated to Saskatchewan, Canada and has worked in mediation and conflict resolution since 2015; first working for a non-profit conducting Victim Offender Mediation and then joined the Dispute Resolution Office in 2016. Breda is a busy mother of one who enjoys expanding her knowledge and experience in conflict resolution through interaction with people of diverse perspectives.


Shirley Costron


Shirley Costron

Shirley Costron is the Owner/Operator of Lakeview Office Services in Regina and has been working with Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan Inc. since 1998.  She also works with two other membership organizations (Collaborative Professionals of Saskatchewan Inc. and Saskatchewan Administrative Tribunals Association) providing comprehensive administration services.  Through her business, she offers a wide variety of secretarial services and resume writing. In her spare time, Shirley loves to spend time with her grandson, family, friends and her dogs.  She is an avid football fan and enjoys flower-gardening and reading.


Mediation Trainings

The CRSI is pleased to promote trainings from our various community partners. Check out our Ideas sections to see what is going on!

Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan

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